Hemorrhoid therapy with complex drugs of local action

February 29, 2024
УДК:  616.147.17
Specialities :

One of the common proctological diseases is hemorrhoids, the clinical manifestations of which are the appearance of painless rectal bleeding during defecation in combination with or without prolapse of hemorrhoidal nodes, as well as pain, itching and discharge of mucus from the anus. The choice of treatment for hemorrhoids depends on the type and severity of hemorrhoids, the patient’s preferences and the experience of doctors. A separate place in the treatment of hemorrhoids belongs to local drug treatment, which can effectively reduce the severity of symptoms of hemorrhoids in the early stages or be used an additional drug in treatment in the later stages of the disease, in the case when surgical intervention is necessary. On the pharmaceutical market of Ukraine today there is a drug of complex action Hemorol, which is presented in the form of rectal suppositories. Benzocaine in Hemorol suppositories quickly and effectively relieves pain and itching, while phytoextracts provide anti-inflammatory, astringent, antispasmodic and venotonic effects. It is recommended to use 1 suppository rectally at night and in more severe cases — 2–3 suppositories during the day until the pain symptoms disappear, but not longer than 7 days. Thus, one of the ways to reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids is the use of Hemorol suppositories, which provides a reduction in the severity of clinical manifestations of hemorrhoids, such as: pain, itching, inflammation and bleeding, which improves the patients’ quality of life.


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