Personalized therapy of depressive disorders in women during menopause

November 10, 2023
УДК:  616.895.8-08-039.76-039.11

The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the complex therapy of depressive disorders in women during menopause.

The object of the study: depressive disorders associated with menopause.

Research methods: clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic evaluation using Beck Depression Inventory Scale, Hamilton’s Anxiety and Depression Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Symptom Check List-90-Revised.

Results. After the treatment, a clear positive dynamics of emotional state on psychodiagnostic scales was noted: a significant decrease in depression on a Beck Depression Inventory Scale and anxiety and depression on a Hamilton’s and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scales. On a Symptom Check List-90-Revised Scale noted a decrease in levels of somatization, depression, anxiety and interpersonal sensitivity. The study revealed a good tolerability of long-acting venlafaxin, low severity and frequency of side effects, especially for higher mental functions. Side effects of the drug were noted in 5.7% of patients, occurred in first two weeks of drug administration, and were represented by a decrease in appetite, unusual dreams, decreased libido, headache, nausea. In no case did this fact have caused the cancellation of the drug.

Conclusion. The data obtained in the study indicate the effectiveness of the use of venlafaxine prolonged action in the treatment of depressive disorders associated with menopause.


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