Assessment of the anxiety degree in children with chronic viral hepatitis B and C: diagnostic possibilities of the Hamilton Anxiety Scale and features of the cross-cultural adaptation of the Preschool Anxiety Scale

September 18, 2023
УДК:  616.36-03.826-002.2-053-07-037-159.9.072

This scientific issue present the issues of stratification and determination of the degree of anxiety in children with viral hepatitis B and C. The reasonable feasibility of using the Preschool Anxiety Scale (PAS) for parents of children aged from 2 up to 6 years, as well as the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) for children aged 6–17 years with the purpose of determining and monitoring the degree of anxiety as one of the pediatric manifestations of somatoform syndrome. The principle of cross-cultural adaptation of the PAS diagnostic scale was determined. Ratios of PAS and HAMA parameters depending on age, nosological form and degree of liver fibrosis in children with chronic viral hepatitis B and C were studied.


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