The effect of war on people. Psyche and character changes under war conditions

May 10, 2023
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Objective: to investigate the course of anxiety disorders in internally displaced persons from the war zone.

Object and research methods. 2100 internally displaced persons were studied. In order to provide a comprehensive assessment of their psycho-emotional status, a survey was conducted using an individually developed questionnaire, international scales and tests in online and offline formats.

Results. According to the Beck’s Depression Inventory, depression was found in 53.0% of sanguine, 46.0% of choleric, 78.0% of melancholic and 39.0% of phlegmatic. Depression was found in 43.0% of those who are ready to return home, and 79.0% of those who are not ready to return. According to the Spielberger — Hanin anxiety test, 53.0% of people have a low, 45.0% — an average, and 2.0% — a high level of anxiety. A high level of anxiety was found in 17.0% of phlegmatics, 48.0% of sanguine and 35.0% of choleric.

Conclusions. Melancholic women who are not ready to return home are most prone to developing depression among internally displaced persons. Females who have a positive attitude towards the local population, do not have depressive symptoms, but fear for their own lives have a high level of anxiety. Women without a permanent residence, sanguine, with a mild depression and mild/moderate anxiety are more prone to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder.


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