Experience in the use of drugs of the «WALA» company in an obstetrics and gynecology hospital

November 3, 2022

Objective: to compare the effectiveness of the improved treatment algorithm with the classical scheme of therapy for pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Object and research methods. The study involved 48 patients undergoing inpatient treatment with PID. Women of the 1st group (n=24) received classical treatment (combined antibacterial therapy and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), the 2nd (n=24) — received treatment according to an improved algorithm with the use of the drugs Calcium Quercus Globuli velati, Meteoric Iron Globuli velati and Apis/Belladonna cum Mercury.

Results. In the 1st group, the duration of stay of patients in the hospital was 10.50±0.77 days, in the 2nd — 9.17±0.69 (p<0,05). The dynamics of the indicator of the total number of leukocytes was significantly better in patients who underwent treatment according to the improved algorithm.

Conclusion. The combined therapy of PID, which additionally includes the drugs Calcium Quercus Globuli velati, Meteoric Iron Globuli velati and Apis/Belladonna cum Mercury, allows to achieve better indicators of clinical effectiveness in comparison with the classical scheme of therapy.


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