Poltava State Medical University and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences: tribute to the memory of the outstanding Lithuanian scientist academician Jurgis Bredikis (1929–2021)

August 11, 2022
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DOI: 10.32471/umj.1680-3051.150.232048 Academician Jurgis Bredikis, an outstanding Lithuanian scientist and public figu­re, passed away on August 15, 2021 at the age of 93. Scientists of the Poltava State Medical University (PSMU) and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lith.: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas — LSMU) honor the memory of an outstanding cardiologist and cardiac surgeon who once performed an […]

Academician Jurgis Bredikis, an outstanding Lithuanian scientist and public figu­re, passed away on August 15, 2021 at the age of 93. Scientists of the Poltava State Medical University (PSMU) and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lith.: Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas — LSMU) honor the memory of an outstanding cardiologist and cardiac surgeon who once performed an operation on the famous Ukrainian academician Mykola Amosov.

Academician J. Bredikis devoted his scientific life to the issues of experimental and clinical heart surgery, development and application in medicine of new electronic devices and mathematical methods of information processing, issues of medical cybernetics. He was the first in the Soviet Union to develop and apply the method of electrical stimulation of the heart.

J. Bredikis was a multifaceted person. He held the post of Minister of Health of Lithuania, he was the ambassador of Lithuania in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Turkey, he created a scientific school and left a significant number of talented students. Academician J. Bredikis was an innovator and popularizer of progressive scientific ideas. He was interested in the fundamental questions of the functioning of tissues of the human body. In 2016, he organized a laboratory for the study of human quantum fields, which is still working today.

J. Bredikis published a scientific and journalistic monograph «Another View» in 2016. In it, he made an attempt to explain to a wide range of readers a number of complex biophysical phenomena of the human body and shed light on a new perspective on a number of problematic unsolved issues of modern fundamental science. He received considerable appreciation from even more people for this. This monograph was quite popular and was reprinted several times. A team of scientists from PDMU and LSMU are currently working on the translation of this book from Lithuanian to Ukrainian.

Scientific followers of Academician Jurgis Bredikis honor the memory of the outstanding scientist and continue the implementation of his scientific ideas.