Rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in primary health care facilities (according to sociological survey)

May 31, 2022

The aim is to study the state of implementation of rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system in primary health care facilities.

Object of the research: the needs of patients with the consequences of injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system in rehabilitation and the ability of general practitioners-family doctors to implement it. Materials: questionnaires of sociological survey (232 pieces), filled in by general practitioners-family doctors.

Methods: sociological; medical and statistical; structural and logical analysis; generalization.

Results. The estimated proportions of persons with the consequences of injuries totalled up to 10.0% for 81.0±2.6% of general practitioners-family doctors, persons with disorders of the musculoskeletal system were up to 10.0% for 37.1±3.2% of respondents and 10.0-29.0% — for 50.9±3.3% of all those questioned; the absence of structural units and rehabilitation specialists was reported by 62.9± 3.2% and 62.1±3.2% of respondents, respectively; 19.0±2.6% of general practitioners do not receive reports of the need for rehabilitation of patients treated in secondary care facilities, and 75.9±2.8% of respondents are not involved in the discussion of the rehabilitation plan of their patients at the stage hospital discharge.

Conclusions. There were revealed low levels of awareness of general practitioners-family doctors about the needs of patients with injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system in rehabilitation, resource provision of rehabilitation in primary health care facilities, interaction of primary and secondary care physicians on rehabilitation of people in the group under study that needs appropriate changes in the organization of primary health care facilities.


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