Problems of managing the process dental care in certified quality management systems

April 18, 2022

Purpose: to study the practice of managing the process dental care in certified quality management systems of tertiary care institutions and to suggest ways to improve it.

Object of study. Quality management system of regional institutions of dental profile of Zhytomyr, Kharkiv, Chernihiv regions.

Research materials: work plans of institutions; local regulations of dental care; regulations on structural units and non-staff organizational structures for quality management; job descriptions of employees; administrative documents; only 41 units.

Research methods: system approach; comparative and content analysis of documents; generalizations; graphic.

Results. It is established that the availability of patients to reliable medical and diagnostic technologies of dental interventions on the principles of evidence-based medicine is limited in the studied institutions. Outdated standards of dental care are used. The process of dental care is traditionally divided into structural units and/or doctors. This increases the risks of insufficient coordination of the participants in the process, its fragmentation and low patient-orientation. Technologies for monitoring and assessing the quality of dental care are not fully integrated into the practice of operational and tactical management. Feedback from patients is limited in terms of satisfaction with the help received. Clinical quality indicators are not used as tools to manage the dental care process.

Conclusions. Managing the process of providing dental care requires evidence-based planning, monitoring and evaluation based on clinical quality indicators, and strengthening feedback to patients to assess their satisfaction with the dental care they receive.


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