Formation of anxiety levels in children aged 8–12 years with psoriasis

October 1, 2021

The anxiety level in 54 children with psoriasis aged 8–12 years (30 females and 24 males) was investigated using the CMAS anxiety scale adapted by A.M. Prikhozhan, depending on sex, age, family composition, duration of psoriasis, last exacerbation, cause of dermatosis onset and psoriasis severity indices BSA, PASI and PGA. The majority of children with psoriasis (51.9%) showed an increased level of anxiety, which is significantly higher in children with clinical forms of psoriasis affecting open skin areas (scalp, palms) (p=0.004) and with a duration of dermatosis exacerbation for more than 4 weeks (p=0.001). In children with the stress as a triggering factor for the psoriasis onset, the anxiety level was statistically significantly higher than in children with other causes of the disease onset (p=0.005). In the group with stress as the cause of the psoriasis onset, there were two times more children with an increased anxiety level than in the group with other causes of the disease onset (р=0.003), therefore it can be assumed that children with psoriasis and an increased anxiety level have an impaired regulation of the body’s stress response, which led to the onset of the disease. An assessment of the anxiety levels depending on the psoriasis severity indices did not reveal statistical discrepancies. The anxiety level in females aged 8–12 years was comparable to the anxiety level in males aged 8–12 years, but most females had an increased anxiety level, and most males had a normal level (р<0.001), which decreased with age (r=–0.707; р<0.001). In addition, the formation of the anxiety level in males aged 8–12 years was influenced by the duration of exacerbation of psoriasis.


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