Possibilities of ultrasonography in determining the echosemiotics of vocal cord cancer

September 30, 2021
Specialities :

305 patients with vocal cord cancer stage I–III (T1–3N0M0) were examined. Morphologically, in all cases, keratinized and non-keratinized squamous cell carcinoma was detected. Evaluation of laryngeal sonography data was performed by video endoscopy of the larynx and during surgery. The list of signs of cancer of the middle larynx during the ultrasound examination was determined. All the signs of vocal cord cancer, which are determined by ultrasound, make it possible to assess the location and to some extent the stage of laryngeal tumor. The effectiveness of sonography in cancer of the vocal folds has been determined. The sensitivity of ultrasound of the larynx was 84.4% and the accuracy was 77.1%.


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