Possibilities of realization of medical rehabilitation under reforming and new system of financing of health care institutions in Ukraine

June 5, 2020
Specialities :

The aim is to generalize and systematize the possibilities of providing medical rehabilitation services under reforming and new system of financing of health care system in Ukraine. Object and methods of research. The materials include published documents of the National Health Service of Ukraine and other normative documents regulating the provision of medical care to the population of Ukraine. Methods used are system approach and analysis. Results. The article presents the detailed analysis of specification of the provision of medical rehabilitation services at acute, subacute and restorative stages in various areas, provided by the National Health Service of Ukraine. We have formed the organizational model of providing medical rehabilitation in terms of modern financing. Quantitative and qualitative requirements for staffing providing medical rehabilitation services are analysed. Conclusions. The current state of funding of health care system in the context of reforming has expanded the possibilities of providing medical rehabilitation services by health care institutions, but at the same time created certain preconditions for limiting the target group of receiving these services.

Published: 05.06.2020


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