The problem of cancer care in the context of a coronavirus pandemic

May 12, 2020

Today, much attention is paid to the category of people who are at risk of COVID-19 infection. The greatest risk of getting infection is observed in people of old age, with increasing mortality exponentially from about 65. Many articles have been published that oncological patients are mostly susceptible to coronavirus infection. The treatment of malignant pathology should be guided by two basic principles in the pandemia of COVID-19: the patient’s desire to receive treatment and the risk/bene­fit ratio. An oncological patient has limited time to decide whether or not to be treated. If we talk about the benefits of anti-tumor treatment, it should be remembered that correctly diagnosed cancer and its treatment in the early stages makes it possible to completely remove the tumor, which, in turn, significantly increases the chances of recovery. Timely treatment started in the advanced stages can significantly improve the quality of life of patients and achieve long-term remission of the disease. The decision to start antitumor treatment or to temporarily delay it, when it has already been initiated, is made individually in each case. In summary, the risk/benefit ratio is a kind of balance between what needs to be treated first and what «can wait» under general quarantine measures due to COVID-19.


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