Development of blood circulation diseases, diabetes mellitus and obesity in emergency workers during 30 years after the accident at ChNPP

July 1, 2019

The development of hypertensive heart disease (HHD), coronary heart disease (CHD), diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 and obesity in emergency workers (EW) was studied in dynamics during the 30-year after the accident at the ChNPP. It was revealed that after emergency works HHD, CHD, DM type 2 and obesity in the EW developed earlier and at younger age comparing with non-irradiated persons. The majority of EW came down with HHD during the first 10 years, but non-irradiated persons during the 2nd and 3rd decades after the accident. In all EW CHD was detected during the first 20 years after exposure, but in non-irradiated persons during the 3rd decade of the observation period. In 93.9% of EW the development of HHD significantly outpaced the clinical debut of DM on 25.7 years, and 66.7% of EW development CHD on 19.4 years. In 92.0% of non-exposed patients this difference was 19.5, 76.0% and 15.5 years, respectively. HHD significantly increased the risk of developing DM type 2, both in EW and the non-irradiated control. CHD did not show such effect. More than a half of EW and non-irradiated control had excessive body mass or obesity when HHD and CHD developed. Participation in EW under the exposure of ioni­zing radiation may be considered as probable risk factor for HHD, CHD and DM type 2.

Published: 26.06.2019

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