The second birth of the drug Amizon®: the results of international scientific studies confirm the antiviral effect

September 5, 2018

The article presents modern data on the use of antiviral drugs in influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections, the results of scientific research and development of innovative medicines for the treatment of patients with influenza. Data from large-scale preclinical and clinical studies confirm the high antiviral efficacy of enisamium iodide (Amizon®), an attractive drug profile and the ability to reduce the risk of complications.

A.F. Frolov, O.A. Golubovska, S.O. Kramarev, A.P. Mironenko, V.M. Margitich

Key words: acute respiratory viral infections, influenza, antiviral drugs, enisamium iodide, Amizon®.

Published: 04.09.2018


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