Features of gene-gene and gene-factor interactions in men from couples with infertility and reproductive losses

October 24, 2018

Gene-gene and gene-factor interactions of genes polymorphic variants of hemostasis: ITGA2a (C807T), ITGB3b (T1565C), FGB (C148T, G–455A), PAI-1 (–675 5G/4G), FII (G20210A), FV (G1691A), of folate metabolism: MTHFR (C677T, A1298C), MTRR (A66G), MTR1 (A2756G), RFC1 (G80A) and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor gene FSHr (Ala307Thr, Ser680Asn) has been analyzed in 206 men from couples with unexplained infertility and early reproductive losses. A comparison of obtained results conducted using the methods of single — and multivariate statistical analysis. The association of ITGB3b, ITGA2a, RFC1, FSHr genes and their combinations with the risk of infertility in men has been proven. Five prognostic risk models were significant: gene-gene interaction (PAI-1 + ITGB3b + ITGA2a, MTHFR + MTR1 + RFC1) and gene-factor interaction (ITGB3b + prothrombin time, MTHFR + MTR1 + RFC1 + smoking, FSHr + MTRR + hereditary burden). The founded dependencies indicated a variety of individual pathogenetic mechanisms in development of men infertility that requires the use of personalized treatment.

N.G. Gorovenko, Z.I. Rossokha, S.P. Kiryachenko, L.P. Sheiko, L.I. Brisevac

Key words: genetic polymorphism, reproductive disorders, men.

Published: 29.10.2018


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