Interrelation of vegetative disorders and sleep disorders in women — internally displaced persons with a threatened miscarriage

March 4, 2019

Aim — to identify the prevalence and severity of the vegetative disorders and sleep disorders in pregnant women with threatened miscarriage (TM) in the I and II trimesters living in the Luhansk region and having the status of internally displaced persons (IDP) to improve treatment and preventive measures and prevent obstetric and perinatal complications in such women. The object and methods of research. The study included 220 pregnant women in I and II trimesters who were hospitalized regarding TM in hospitals, located in the Luhansk region. IDPs were 48 (1st group), without IDP — 172 women (2nd group). The control (3rd) group consisted of 64 pregnant women with clear obstetric anamnesis and physiological course of pregnancy in I and II trimesters of pregnancy. A questionnaires for evaluating the subjective characteristics of sleep and autonomous nervous system disorders were used. Results. Indicators of autonomous nervous system disorders and sleep disorders in the examined groups were 77.1; 50.6 and 4.7% and 50.0; 20.9 and 0%, respectively. The prevalence of autonomous nervous system disorders in pregnant women with TM who have IDP status was in 16.4 times more often than in healthy pregnant women. Indicators of autonomous nervous system disorders and sleep disorders in this group significantly exceed the same data for women with TM and healthy pregnant women, which can be regarded as a manifestation of a stressful state. Conclusions. Antenatal study of levels of autonomic disorders and sleep disorders in pregnant women with TM and with IDP status allowed to individualize the approach to the management of pregnancy and if needed to develop timely rehabilitating activities, that will contribute to the successful outcome of the pregnancy and affect the health of the mother and the child.

Published: 04.03.2019


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