Long-term results of emergency surgical revascularization in patients with acute myocardial infarction

March 5, 2019

The research paper analyzes the probability of general and specific complications in patients who have undergone emergency coronary bypass surgery in connection with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) during 6 months of follow-up. The article presents the results of emergency surgical revascularization in patients with AMI in long-term period. It was found that cardiovascular mortality in long-term period after emergency aortocoronary bypass surgery in patients with AMI reaches 0.9% with the most unfavourable period in 3 months after intervention. It has been shown that recurrent angina pectoris after emergency aortocoronary bypass surgery in patients with AMI registered on the level 3.5% with reliable changes in patients with STEMI-type in anamnesis. It has been verified that adverse events after emergency revascularization could be thrombosis of the shunt with a frequency of 1.2% in the STEMI-group and an acute cerebrovascular accident with a frequency of 3.4% in the NSTEMI-group. The progression of chronic heart failure, the development of re-infarction and the need for hospitalization during 6 months after emergency revascularization were not registered.

Published: 05.03.2019


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