Syncopal episodes in cardioneurology (literature review)

October 12, 2023
УДК:  616.8-009.83

Syncopal episodes (fainting) are attacks of acute loss of consciousness due to a transient decrease in cerebral circulation. Syncopal episodes occur in various pathological conditions and are quite common in the population. Therefore, the correct interpretation of paroxysmal states, especially in case of loss of consciousness in cerebrovascular and cardiovascular pathology, is very important. Acute loss of consciousness in combination with the development of generalized and persistent focal neurological symptoms usually indicates the development of a vascular cerebral accident. Repeated episodes of loss of consciousness in other diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases (heart disease) against the background of other symptoms often cause great diagnostic difficulties. Today, syncopal (paroxysmal) episodes with simultaneous cerebrovascular and cardiovascular pathology are very common. Brain and heart pathology can be the triggering mechanisms of these paroxysmal states, as well as maintain and worsen the condition of these organs. In this article, we aimed to review the papers that cover syncopal (paroxysmal) episodes in cerebrovascular and cardiovascular insufficiency and their combination.


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