Neuroprotection and vasoprotection: a two-in-one brain protection strategy

June 13, 2023
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The article examines the problem of vascular pathology of the brain — one of the leading forms of «diseases of civilization», describes in detail the mechanisms of the development of the ischemic cascade in cerebral ischemia, and provides a strategy for pharmacotherapy in chronic disorders of cerebral circulation. The expediency of using a combination of citicoline and ginkgo biloba extract as a means of neuroprotection and vasoprotection with proven effectiveness, which can influence the main pathogenetic links in chronic brain ischemia, is substantiated. It is proposed to expand the modern arsenal of combined neurotropic agents using a combination of citicoline and ginkgo biloba extract in the dietary supplement Axonal, which can improve the strategy of multimodal brain protection in conditions of ischemia and chronic stress.


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