Some problems of diagnosis and emergency care in neurostomatology

April 12, 2023

The current International Association for the Study of Pain definition of pain is «An unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage, or described in terms of such damage». This means that pain can occur not only when tissues are damaged or at risk, but also in the absence of damage, in the presence of psychological disorders, which in these cases significantly alter a person’s feelings and quality of life. In the practice of dentists and neuropathologists there are such pain in the face and mouth, the cause of which is very difficult to determine, it is polyetiological and have a neuropathic nature. In this case, differential diagnosis, consultation of a multidisciplinary team including a dentist, periodontist, neurologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, functionalist (X-ray, computer tomography, magnetic resonance imaging) is required. The lecture covers issues of diagnosis, differential diagnosis some pain syndromes in the face and mouth (trigeminal neuralgia, glossopharyngeal neuralgia, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, glossodynia and other), emergency medical care and treatment.


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