Experience in organizing of the emergency medical care in emergencies in USA and in developed countries of the world

September 6, 2018
Specialities :

Implementation of the Law of Ukraine «On emergency medical assistance» system of provision victims in Ukraine in emergencies actually destroyed, but some questions of the Disaster Medicine were raised in the Code of Civil Protection of Ukraine and other legal acts of Ukraine. Currently, the issue of organization of disaster medicine at the level of Ministry of Health of Ukraine is needed to conform the international standards, which requires a thorough study of the experience of this important trend in the US health care system.

Je.D. Moroz, M.D. Blyznjuk, V.P. Pechyborshh, M.M. Mykhajlovskyj, V.A. Kushnir, V.V. Voronenko

Key words: emergency, emergency medical care to victims in the US, especially the organization.

Published: 05.09.2018


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