Features of diagnosis and surgical treatment of intraductal neoplasms of the breast

April 23, 2019

The analysis and popularization of own experience in optimizing the diagnosis and surgical treatment of intraductal neoplasms of the breast with the combined use of radial and endoscopic techniques was conducted. 158 clinical observations are divided into 2 groups: in the control (n=81), traditional methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment were used, in the main (n=77) — own methods of selective galactoctodography under endoscopic control, stereotactic trepan biopsy under the Х-ray control, double endoscopically and echographically controlled marking with establishment of the areola arterial blood supply. It was shown that the combined use of known and developed techniques in accordance with the presented algorithm provides a significant (from 97.5 to 6.5%) reduction in the segment of more traumatic operations — central ductectomyes, appreciable (from 41.0 to 34.0 min) reduction in the duration of operations, statistically significant (p<0.05) (from 45.4 to 23.8 cm3) decrease in the volume of tissues removed, significant (p<0.05) (from 11.1 to 3.9%) decrease the frequency of postoperative complications and the reduction in hospitalization by 3.4 days.

Published: 23.04.2019


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